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Hey y'all, my name's Jeannie!

Thanks for coming to look at my work!


I'm a Nicaraguan-Scottish industrial design and interdisciplinary arts & performance student from Phoenix, AZ. I recently graduated from Arizona State University as one of the few Barrett, the Honors college students in my major and I have a passion for costuming and video games.


As a costumer, I've learned how to make products quickly and in time for events (some of which I've been an invited guest for!); and I learn more about comfort and quality with each wear and new costume. I also love makeup way too much and have an eye for precise details, and I'm working on relaying this to bigger projects to make them better each time.


As a Twitch streamer, l'm also using these skills to learning how to become an entertaining people person through live video game streams. Focusing on being a first-person shooting games streamer, I know how to stay positive during stressful competitive matches. 


These games also show off my capability to work in teams under intense situations as both a leader and a follower... So let's team up and kick some butt!


I did 6 years of competitive acting doing Speech and Debate so I have solid public speaking skills and am used to talking in front of crowds. I performed nationally and placed 5th out of 300 at the annual Harvard tournament-- I got to speak on the Sanders stage before Rihanna! I'm becoming better at pitching products with every end-of-semester presentation. I also have an amateur understanding of Spanish and want to learn more to connect more to my Nicaraguan culture. Furthermore, I also have some experience with American Sign Language.


My latest interests have been learning how to model and render on Blender, as well as experimenting with my new resin printer!


I'm an enthusiastic person who is eager to learn new skills and hone my existing ones. I'm dedicated to making each project better than the last and will be a valuable, loyal, and exciting addition to any group or company’s team! Please don't hesitate to contact me for any reason and I hope we can connect!

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